Thursday, 30 April 2015

Product Review: Kurgo Wander Dog Backpack

Wouldn't it be nice if your dog could carry his own stuff (poop bags, treats, water and more) on those long hikes or when you're out camping. With a dog backpack, your dog can carry his own gear AND also get the benefits of weight training. Not to mention most dogs love having the "job" that the backpack provides.

Weight training should not begin until
the dog's growth plates have closed.
Click the image to see a larger version.
First of all, I would like to say that weight training should not, in my opinion, begin before a puppy's growth plates have closed. Their bones are doing enough work without extra weight. In general terms, wait until your dog is a year old before adding any significant weight to the backpack - you can certainly begin having the dog wear the empty backpack before then, and around 10 months I think it would be okay to add some very lightweight items like poop bags and treats.

Quick Tip: Make sure the weight is distributed evenly on either side of the dog to help prevent injury.

Maizy is totally comfortable running, jumping
and fetching in her Kurgo Wander Dog Backpack.

I put a lot of thought into which backpack to buy for Maizy. There are a number of packs out there, with the Outward Hound and Krugo models being two of the most popular. In the end, it came down to easy of use and price. Here's a quick breakdown of the Krugo Wander Dog Backpack:

Maizy posing with her Wander Dog Backpack.
Could she be any better looking!?
  • The orange colouring of the pack is great for keeping your dog visible and safe while out in the woods. 
  • Packs size (10" L x 6" H x 3" D) - Some people have said they want a bigger pack, but I love the sizing. The packs on the Outward Hound backpack are, in my opinion, too long for a dog like Maizy. The Kurgo pack size is just right!
  • Provides mental and physical health benefits for the dog
  • Easy to put on. The other backpacks were tried had a number of confusing straps. The Kurgo Wander Dog backpack is easy to take on and off.
  • Stays put when travelling through brush and heavily wooded areas
  • Heavy duty material
  • Lower cost than the other packs we tried.
  • The pack tends to shift to one side when Maizy wears it, but I think this may be my fault. I'll have to play with the straps a bit more to see if I can correct this issue.
Maizy and I give the Kurgo Wander Dog Backpack 5 out of 5 bones! Great product.

You can find Kurgo Backpacks here - it doesn't look like the Wander Dog Backpack is currently available, but I'm sure their other backpacks are of equal quality.

Happy dog after her hike!


  1. We love Kurgo products. I'm afraid if I put a pack on Bentley he would just lay down and refuse to move. He is a Basset Hound though! LOL!

    1. A basset with a back pack might be the most adorable mental picture I've had all day!

  2. Great review and a brilliant idea, but Barney doesn't like putting on a harness or his doggie coat, so I doubt we'd have much luck with this one!

    1. They can be really annoying to put on. Thank goodness Maizy sits still while I attempt to put it on.
