Spring in Southern Ontario means two things: Rain and Mud. I've been eyeing the ultra adorable
RC Pets Repackable Rain Poncho for a while now and finally decided to get it a few days ago. Maizy has worn it twice so far and gotten lots of "awww"s from people on the street.
The RC Pets Repackable Rain Poncho
is light weight and super cute. |
- The Cute Factor - it comes in lots of adorable prints from XXS to XXXL. Maizy took a large.
- After a 30 minute walk in heavy rain, Maizy was dry under the coat
- Light weight - perfect for warm weather rain or on the road
- The low price - about $12.00
- Did I mention it's really cute?
- Comes with a bag to repack the coat - you could easily keep this in your purse or in your car's glove compartment
- No leg straps - It was quite windy and only raining lightly on day one, and the back of her coat kept blowing up because the fabric is so light. It did not flip up on day two, in heavy rain. I will probably add a back strap somehow.
- Not good for front attachment harnesses, like Maizy wears. It works but the position of the leash causes the coat to shift. I had to re-adjust the coat numerous times on our walk.
- Road walks only - This is definitely a coat meant for easy walks, not hiking or at the dog park. I can see this coat tearing easily.
- The hood - I don't really understand why dog coats have hoods as they never seem to fit right and dogs tend to hate them. I would greatly prefer a higher collar, with no hood.

We're giving the RC Pets Repackable Rain Poncho 3.5 bones out of 5. It's not perfect but for the price you really can't complain. Maizy is a dog that needs her walks, regardless of the weather and we will definitely be using this light coat for our rainy day walks.
"Are you done taking pictures yet?" - Maizy |
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